Monday, February 15, 2010

e-Learning and Open Source

Evolved from on line courses , e-learning has been explored to rapid audio, video interactivities . E- learning offers good set of virtual and synergistic experiences for its users in advance to the earlier mode of on line training in which slide shows were presented for the purpose of training . All the related data for presentation undergoes a conversion from manuals and materials to slide shows.

If focused one would observe the changes in the adaptation of learning techniques where it happens through media tools, blogs , and many others. Enterprises of todays market focuses over the needs to align its collaborative learning programs and also manage them.

Some of the enterprises offer training on a need basis, wherein a maximum of e learning is a part of reading, research and development , etc. Learning in a collaborated scenario can happen at any time ,where the learners are in a group discussion or over the Internet.

Enterprises of todays market rethink on its training schedules and pattern in order to facilitate all the learning programs into one set of Learning Environment. This helps the organizations to offer a collaborated learning and improvise its media in the same lines, through which users of e learning are actively involved in learning and also undertake an approach of learning together in a group.

An effective learning program in any enterprise facilitates an environment in which learners are facilitated to interchange opinions and even to converse with others, explore their thoughts and perspectives. Many new tools and platforms are available to ensure the process of tracking , handling e learning and support individuals in learning and working together.

The contribution of opensource community towards the upgradation of e-learning has been a great source of input to the software developers community and more on the available. Look forward for more interesting discussion pertaining to Open Source Technologies

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Source Open for Technologies...

Open source, the name seems to say that the source is free. Being developers do have something to do with lot of source codes, and as products go into the market at various scenarios, not a big suspense, we feel that something is free – the source code.

Accessing an end products source code for free can be first thought in one's mind while discussing in lines of Open source .It gives an insight that it is related to the software world when we talk about open source technologies. Beyond this concept there are scenarios in which open source comes in place in various other fields say for example Manufacturing, Biotechnology.

It seems to be an advantageous factor when individuals or organizations tend towards open source and use open source technologies. This leads to the usage or implementation of the source code derived from communities laying path to success of each individual.

And in turn when collaborated with the new implemented versions, de-bugged applications developed from the open sources, back to the community, foundations are paved for the success and development of the whole system at a rapid phase.

Successful usage and growth of the Internet over last few years with the main set of applications like Apache, Linux, mark up languages, programming languages and many more can be considered as one of the example for a rapid growth of open source in technology.
Let’s move into an inner layer of the open source in technologies in the next discussion.